Steam Roller Printing

Printed on11am -2pm, Aug 12, 2023

Prints were exhibited and for sale during the event, with 50% going to the artists and 50% going to help fund our new Neighborhood Print Studio. From Sunday afternoons in July through August. D.R.A.W. offered open studio time at Neighborhood Print Studio, 49 Greenkill Ave, ground floor. We welcome all ages to join in and experience it! We had 1' x 1' linoleum plates on site for everyone in the community to contribute to the exquisite corpse group image together and 2’ x 2’ or 2’ x 4’ for the invited artists. We printed more than 30 linocut works during the third annual D.R.A.W.-A-Thon Street Block party, on August 12th.

The joy of creating art together, building community, and transforming lives.

Participating artist: Tona Wilson, Chris O'neil, Ana O'keefe, Anne Johnson, Barbara Dibeler, Matt Benson, Biz Goldhammer, Josh Kramb, Karen Whitman, Kate Hamilton, Ana Wilson, Patty Tyrol, Maizy Milliken, Mariaelena Ferrer, Kai Navarette, Stephen Niccolls, Erin Doughtry, Amy Ackerman, Nick Carroll, Isabel Cotarelo, Kerry Madison, Judy, Amy Purdy, Cheryl H, Pamela Wallace, Carol Struve, Priska Wenger and Wayne Montecalvo.